
Healthy Workplaces

​Outbound Training Program

There are a variety of outbound training programs available to suit the needs of companies. Whether you need team building training, leadership training, or conflict management, we can customize a program for you or can conduct specific activities like hiking, rafting, and rock climbing for employees to participate in a variety of outdoor activities.

The two main kinds of Outbound Trainings we offer are Adventure Activities plus Skill Learning or a Goal-Oriented Outbound Training, where the focus is on solving specific managerial problems that need to be solved.

As far as the trainings are concerned, both are based on experiential learning methodologies. There are a variety of games and activities conducted as part of the curriculum to create a fun and great learning environment.

 In an Adventure Activities plus Skill Learning Outbound Training, participants not only get to take part in fun outdoor activities, but also get to learn new skills that can be useful in their work life. For example, they might learn how to work better in a team by taking part in activities like rafting, where they have to cooperate with each other to paddle the raft in the right direction. Or they might learn leadership skills by being put in charge of a raft building group, and having to make sure that everyone stays safe while also reaching the end of the river

In a Goal-Oriented Outbound Training, the focus is on solving specific managerial problems that need to be solved. For example, a company might have a problem with too much conflict between employees. In this case, we would conduct conflict management training, which would teach employees how to better handle conflict situations. We would use experiential learning methods to do this, such as having employees role-play different conflict situations and then debriefing afterwards to see what could have been done better. Both types of Outbound Trainings are beneficial for employees, as they get to learn new skills and have fun at the same time. If you are interested in signing up your company for an Outbound Training, please contact us and we would be happy to discuss the different options available

Outlife Team Building Organiser

Our Corporate Training include Design and Delivery of reality based hands-on experiential learning programs such as  Outbound Training, Leadership Development, Virtual Team Building, Behavioral Skills Training and Employee Engagement which are delivered on-site, off-site and online training modes.

Our Programs are designed based on over a decade of expertise in crafting, learning experiences that are based on Experiential Learning, Outdoor Education,  Learning Experience Design and Neuroscience of Learning.

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Charges range from Rs 800 Per Session & Can reach up to 7,000 depending on the Trainer’s Experience & No Of Sessions to be Conducted in the Organization
At Corporate Swasthya, We Offer a Variety of Yoga Sessions. Based on Your Office Space & requirement, We can Suggest You Options like Desk Yoga Sessions, Chair Yoga, Traditional Yoga Or Power yoga.
Benefits of Doing Yoga in Office are as follows • Increase focus and concentration • Improve communication skills • Reduces stress and anxiety • Provide a mental break from the rigours of business as usual
All Our Trainer’s Are Certified from Reputed Institutions from Across India, Also all Our Trainer’s need to Have a Minimum Experience of 3 Years to be a Part Of our Team.
We At SS Corporate Wellness Offer more than 7 Variations of Yoga Including Desk Yoga, Chair Yoga, Traditional Yoga for Employees.

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